Gator Method

Gator Method

Process Of How A Gator Method Service Will Work

1. Review Docs

for clarity on loan type, terms and conditions; understanding on inspection period and Payback details. Fees for lender  or jv bringing the earnest money

2. Confirm and Send Docs

EMD release - make sure to get written confirmation from Title Co/Attorney on how EMD will be handled after submitted; will they allow EMD to be released during the inspection period? Provide documents - now you can provide agreement documentation and give any clarification that the Title Co/Attorney may need to carry out the agreement

3. Funding Support

Wiring instructions - after confirming EMD management & release, you can ask for the wiring instructions and also confirm the instructions for good measure. Forward the wiring instructions to the client and remind them to also confirm prior to sending. Confirm receipt - make sure to communicate with your client to confirm that funds were sent. Deliver this update to the Title Co/Attorney and request receipt that funds have arrived

4. Inspection Period

Goal is to stay in close contact with items and updates on the property to allow the client to make informed decisions as needed.

Monitor updates and progress through Inspection period Escalate updates as needed leading into final inspection dates.

Assist in EMD refund or withdrawal if needed at the end of the inspection period

5. Closing Items

Goal is to provide additional review to clarify accuracy and to confirm repayment will proceed as client desires

Clarify and review - clarify repayment instructions with Title /Attorney prior to closing , Review settlement statement to ensure accuracy, Review extended lending documents if applicable

Acquire approval - All closing documents need to receive client approval at closing. The settlement statement and any applicable loan documents should have written approval from the CLient before closing.